Petites Annonces !

Avec plus de 150 000 visites par mois nous vous proposons de vendre .... ou d'acheter un planeur via notre service de petites annonces :

The FAI has announced the theme for the 2022 Young Artists Contest. Contestants are asked to select their favourite pens, paints, or crayons and share their vision of the perfect aircraft in the hopes that their design might become an inspiration for tomorrow’s aviation reality.

The theme for the 2022 contest is : Design your perfect aircraft.

The Young Artists Contest is first run at a national level: participating FAI Members organise a contest in their country, from which the three best artworks in each of the three age categories are selected. The national winning artworks are then sent to FAI by 1 April 2022. These are submitted to the FAI jury, which decides on the final overall winners in late Spring 2022.
