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La Newsletter 2023 "Safety Special" editée par l'EGU est disponible en ligne : bonne lecture !

We are taking the rather unusual step of issuing a special EGU Newsletter dedicated to just one topic – safety. We are doing this because we have heard several reports from many Member States on the issue of rigging errors. Frequently these appear to be due to minor lapses of concentration or small errors, but the results are too frequently fatal. We cannot solve this problem simply by distributing this newsletter but, by increasing awareness among all our members of the external
threats and individual errors associated with rigging, we hope we can go some way to reducing these avoidable accidents

Les précédentes newsletters de l’EGU se trouvent sur le site web de l’EGU (en anglais).

The EGU was founded in 1992 by representatives of the gliding associations of Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Its statutes were adopted at the first congress held in Strasbourg on the 1st of October 1993 and updated in 2016. The aim of the EGU is to be the independent representative of the interests of all glider pilots in Europe with respect to regulatory affairs.