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220419On 26th July 2014, gliders W4 (Discus CS) and 170 (Lak 17) were both taking part in a competition organised by The Gliding Centre at Husbands Bosworth. At 16:02 hrs, whilst over fields adjacent to the A1 trunk road near Little Paxton, Cambs, the two gliders collided at a height of around 4000 ft. The collision resulted in the outer portion of the  left wing becoming detached from W4, which precipated a structural failure of the same wing at its attachment at the fuselage. The pilot was left with no option but to bail out and, although the parachute deployed successfully, the breast strap rose up over his head. He landed safely in a crop field but had to move away from an approaching combine-
harvester. He was taken by ambulance to Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, and given an extensive examination but was found not to have sustained any serious injuries. Glider 170 was capable of flying after the collision. The pilot initially intended to bail out, but decided to remain with his glider after assuring himself as best he could that structural damage was limited to the cockpit and outer right wing. He landed without further incident at Bedford (disused) airfield

>>> https://members.gliding.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/09/Discus-and-Lak-17-2014.pdf