Since publication of the 2009 Sporting Code, Section 3 a few points have been shown to need clarification. The opportunity to correct these points has been taken and the amended SC3 is now on the IGC website:
This new version has changes to para 4.2 and 4.2.1 dealing with declarations, particularly in the identifying of the glider being flown. The new wording will allow an identifier other than the registration to be used.
Also, the Appendix to Chapter 4 has had some amendments which do not change the intention of the Appendix, but give more clarity to the use of GPS units for use as horizontal Position Recorders for Silver and Gold badge flights.
A new addition to the website is a newly compiled version of Annex C which gives guidance for pilots and Official Observers:
This takes into account the deletion of photographic evidence for turn points and the use of GPS Position Recorders for Silver and Gold badges.
Both of these documents will come into use from October 1st 2009.
Ross Macintyre
Chairman IGC Sporting Code Committee